Friday, December 31, 2010

Twas the Season!

I wanted to post about our Christmas before the New Year
..... Oops ..... :)

The break from school has been absolutely amazing!
I'm pretty sure I danced when I finally sent in my last paper!
Seriously :)
And now only one week left before we start all over again....
My blog post would have been happier and extremely excited had I posted when the break was beforeus instead of behind us...
Oh well..
We better make the most of this last week of freedom!

Some Christmas cheer to end/begin the year with..

Our fiiiiirst Christmas Tree... Awwww... ;) haha
I will say though (other than the mismatching star) it looked pretty dang good!
(But I'm a little biased)

We had a wrapping party on my mom's living room floor!



Me and the Madre!

(And in case your wondering... NO my mom did not put up my stocking this year!)
Just my Dad's, Alexis's, Taylor's, and my Mom's :( haha

We got together to "make treats"
Which we did...

But mostly we chatted...

Played games..

Or slept...

Christmas morning was excellent of course..
(Yay for Christmas morning hair!!)

MY favorite present!!

Okay.. okay.. I think Nick liked it a little more........
(Not to mention Halo Reach and a full years worth of online playing that came later that day!) :)
But I must say, it does make an excellent DVD player!
(And it has a remote!! woohoooo! No more using a PS2 paddle for us!)

We all look a little disheveled...
what else do you expect when you start at 6 AM..... TAYLOR ;) ;)

Sadly this is the only picture I took of these two bums!
(Thanks a lot Cam & Katie!) ;)

Plus I missed Taylor completely..
Pictures must have been taken while she was trying on all
of her new Christmas clothes... Sorry! :)

We had a little breakfast, cleaned up, and made our way to the 2nd party of the day!

The HOTTEST, most B-E-A-UTIFUL little girl at the Cox party...
(and I'm not talking about me...) ;)
Miss Mollie Ann! :)
COMPLETE and absolutely LOVELY pandemonium at the Cox Christmas party.. :)

I gave up with pictures but I wish I would have taken more....
Oh well.. now I know for next time/year... whenever :)

This Christmas was definitely one to remember.
There is something about living away from home that makes me really appreciate the time I do get to spend there. :)
PLUS, having a fun, down-to-earth, and completely normal in-law family really makes sharing the Holiday great! :)

Yay for being semi caught up in the blogging world!
Merry (late) Christmas! :)


  1. It was 8 o clock in the morning. I was too tired. I wanted to look my best for your pictures. I think Dad's picture worked out pretty well too. I love the DVD collection in front of his face.

  2. Haha I understand.. I understand.. This time I'll forgive you guys ;) Just kidding!!! Hope all is well :)
